Thursday 30 December 2010


So after much procrastination I finally rounded up my wee bro for a walk to Ashton Court.... these are some pictures I took along the way.....

Creativity and inspiration

I have been spending the whole morning procrastinating (again!!) but I've been looking for inspiration (which is better than just doing nothing i suppose!!) and i have decided that i am going to have a go at Art Journalling in the new year

I'm also keen to try to create something every single day..... I have attempted this (and failed at it!!) before, but my previous attempt was to do a drawing a day, this time i am hoping to think of my creativity in a much broader sense, in terms of sewing, drawing, painting, baking, photographing, etc, etc, you get it!!

Anyway, I have been looking to this site as a starting point.

I am going to stop procrastinating and get out of here, off for a walk... which I am planning to document in photographs which I might even bring together into a drawing or story.... here goes....... watch this space!! :)

Friday 5 November 2010


Feeling a recent lack of inspiration I set myself on a mission and looked for projects to set myself and rediscovered Keri Smiths blog on route...

I'm going to make it my mission to do ALL of these things in 2011, I hope to put my progress on here along with other thing that i find inspirational and any ideas of things for me to do are welcomes :)

In 2011 I plan to use my blog as a tool for inspiration and feedback, so all coments and suggestions welcome!

Anyone in Bristol who might be interested in joining me for a group crit over tea and cakes give me a shout!!