Wednesday 2 January 2013

Hello 2013!!

So here we are at the start of yet another year. I'm not really one for New Years resolutions, probably because I don't remember the last time I managed to keep one! But it is a good time to reflect and set realistic goals so that is what I have done over the past few days... 2012 was a time for many changes and setting the ball rolling for me. I met the man I know I want to be with forever and moved in with him, which on its own would have provided a huge change but in a whole new place with a big old commute there have been a lot of adjustments to make!!! I also decided that after thinking about it for so many years that this was the year to apply to do teacher training, and once I had made up my mind and set the ball rolling was met with 'about time too' from most people that I know! So I am currently waiting with baited breath to see if my application was successful and have my fingers crossed that I will be offered an interview. I am very lucky to have a fantastic network of people around me who have offered me endless support and encouragement and have found support in places I never thought I would find it, thank you to everyone who has helped me in ways small and large... You know who you are. 2012 saw me having a fairly productive year creatively, you can see what i have been doing here: I have set myself a number of small challenges this year and I am hoping to be much more productive and use my time more wisely, starting with setting a monthly craft challenge amongst a group of friends based on a theme. I hope that a monthly challenge will encourage me to get creative, perhaps experiment more and have somewhere to share my makes, doing it with a group of friends provides a forum for ideas and support and i can't wait to get started with this months challenge which is to make a frog! I will post the results when it is complete. The other challenges I have set and will reflect upon at the end of the year are all very achievable.... Send more cards, write more letters, make every present I give, make a cover for my diary, move back to Bristol by mid-February, make a case for the iPad, organise my computer and have a cleanup, make a skirt and a dress, mend things and repurpose things that I don't use, finish the pages in my sketchbook, do paintings from the drawings in there, try some appliqué, sell things I don't use on eBay and do a car boot sale, knit a bear for my mans little girl for her birthday, volunteer in a school, do more cooking, fix my bike and cycle to places, show appreciation to people, learn to crochet and make a blanket, make new things to show at the arts trail, write a blog at least once a month and post more regularly on my Lucy Makes page, listen to more music and watch more films, make more time for quality time, go for long walks and swim again! That should keep me busy, so on that note, I am going for a walk. Happy new year, hello 2013!!!