Sunday 16 January 2011

Creative Every Day Update

So, I'm sorry to say that I have already fallen off of the creative every day wagon!! Overall I have been much more creative (and generally more productive) over the past few weeks which was one of my new years resolutions, so I'm not feeling so bad about not making something every day as when I haven't been physically making something I have been searching out inspiration and finding things to aid my creativity. I have decided that as part of being creative every day, trying new recipes and looking at other artists work counts towards this as it all feeds my creativity, as it were!! I have joined the Pay it Forward campaign on Facebook to motivate me to make things, so have pledged to make something for 5 friends during 2011. Since the new year I have done the following things........ baked a banana loaf for a friend, made a vegan potato bake, invented a scrummy fat and sugar free flapjack alternative, started to draw my Christmas presents, bought a stripy trunk to hold all of my sewing things (on Keri Smith list - buy something that represents your creativity and use it everyday), bought some nice fabric, amazing ribbon and lovely buttons, learnt how to make a rosette, went on a spontaneous trip to see the Gauguin exhibition at the Tate and also visited the National Gallery and started to read 'The Yellow House' by Martin Gayford, which I plan to review on finishing it. I am also hoping to write a small piece on my thoughts about the Gauguin exhibition... watch this space...

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